My Special Education Journey
As the parent of a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Speech-Language Impairment, Executive Functioning Disorder, and a Specific Learning Disability in Math, I have a lot of experience working with IEP Teams to develop appropriate Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).

Where It All Started
My introduction to the world of special education began about 12 years ago when my son was in the 2nd grade. Even though I have been on this journey for 12 years, I still vividly remember what it felt like to be new to the process with absolutely no idea of what to expect or what to do when things started to go wrong.
Like you, I wanted to believe the school had my child’s best interests at heart, but I soon realized that was not always true.
Do any of these scenarios resemble your interactions with the school?
- Refuses to evaluate your child for special education or related services
- Ignores your concerns about your child’s poor grades and lack of progress
- The school outright lies to you about your child’s deficits and needs
- The school claims that your child’s problems are due to your household and in no way related to the school
Or, maybe your child already has a Section 504 Plan or IEP, but …
- Your child is not making meaningful progress or regressing
- The school is not following or fully implementing the IEP
- You are participating in multiple IEP meetings but nothing ever changes
- The school makes promises during the IEP meetings that never seem to materialize
If you can relate to these scenarios, rest assured … I feel your pain! I have experienced all these challenges. In all honesty, I still experience many of them. The only difference is I now have the tools and knowledge to strategically tackle these obstacles.
Due Process Proceeding As A Pro Se
After years of feeling overwhelmed, stressed, angry, and worried that my son was losing valuable time he would never get back, I decided to act.
How, you ask? By reading and studying everything I could about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 2004) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504). You can see all the resources I use by clicking HERE. Once I had enough knowledge to be dangerous, I files a complaint against the school on my son’s behalf.
So, in 2016 I successfully filed and represented myself in an Administrative Due Process proceeding against the school. I alleged a denial of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) for 3 consecutive school years. I also alleged a denial of my parental right to meaningfully participate in the development of my son’s educational program.
After what I can only describe as the most difficult thing I’ve ever done, the Hearing Officer ruled in my favor. He found that my son was denied a FAPE during every minute, of every day, for 3 consecutive school years. My son was awarded 2,820 compensatory education hours that I used to supplement his educational program through graduation and beyond.
Why I Became A Member of the Master IEP Coach® Network
Over the years, I have joined several special education groups. I’ve read hundreds of stories from parents about the challenges they face in getting an appropriate education for their child. Unfortunately, I’ve experienced many of the same challenges. Having dealt with some of the same issues, I believe I’m in a unique position to help others.
Now that my son has graduated, I have a lot more free time. I have decided to use that time to share what I’ve learned and hopefully make your journey a lot easier.
Some of the things you will learn …
- How to properly research special education and discrimination laws and regulations
- Proven strategies for gaining an in-depth understanding of your child’s disability and needs
- How to identify, collect, and organize important school records and evaluation data
- How to communicate with your child’s school in a way that gets results
So, if you are tired of feeling overwhelmed, stressed, angry, and worried about your child’s education and future, you have come to the right place. In the coming weeks, I will be working with my team to finalize and release several products. I believe these items will help get your special education journey started off on the right foot or back on track.
Disclaimer: Mary Price is not an attorney or legal expert. Special Ed Process does not offer legal advice. Click here for Full Disclaimer.